LipoGenie Inch Loss

LipoGenie Inch Loss
The LipoGenie provides a truly non-invasive body contouring system
- There is absolutely no cell damage – low level laser does not heat or burn
- The LipoGenie bathes the fat cells in low level red laser light
- This stimulates a biochemical cellular action called ‘lipolysis’
- Lipolysis is a natural bodily process prompted when the body needs to tap stored energy
- This action prompted by the laser light used has two key effects:
- It breaks down the triglycerides in the fat cells
- It changes the permeability of the cell walls
- This enables the cells to release their fatty contents
- The empty cells then shrink back to a smaller size
- The lymphatic system carries the fatty contents away
- The volume of targeted fat tissue and body measurements are therefore reduced
- Exercise is encouraged because it further aids the lymphatic drainage
- This accelerates the visibility of the inch-loss results and client satisfaction
- Results can be maintained with healthy diet and exercise

Joggy ur soooo the BOMB!!! I’m so recommending my girls here. Awesome service and u know ur stuff can’t wait to see the ending results
07879 674174